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Redirecting Learnings: Navigating Life Beyond Work - Year One

Writer's picture: Lexy MartinLexy Martin

Updated: Dec 20, 2024

I continue to be captivated by pictures of curves in paths -- where next?

It’s been over a year since I “retired” or as I say redirected—and that’s what I’ve been doing: redirecting my skills and passion for research to navigate this next phase of life and find new ways to contribute.

Being of value has been central to me since my 30s, when I realized that a well-paying job alone wasn’t enough. By my 50s, it became clearer: I love doing research and sharing insights that deliver meaningful outcomes to readers.

For me, this past year has been a journey of learning, reflecting, and redefining what it means to be of value in this new chapter doing what I love best – interviewing people on their pivots and current directions, and learning from their advice and then telling their stories. Along the way, I’m learning how to redirect my life.

What Have I Learned?

I’ve recently noticed more people retiring and some, earlier than expected. Some women have told me they left because of toxic work cultures, or as I put it, “men behaving badly.” Others saw the writing on the wall—realizing they were no longer valued, they were merely a line item on a spreadsheet. Some made the leap because they could—financial stability offered them the freedom to pivot and in some cases retire. The ones I've spoken with are successfully redirecting.

Listening closely and adding my experience, successful redirecting is about reimagining priorities and pursuing passions in meaningful ways. My approach starts with “cocooning”—a reflective process to assess past contributions and prepare for future endeavors. I’ve also found “cleaning”—whether physical, mental, or emotional—essential for creating space for the next pivot to thrive.

What’s Next?

I’ve documented these learnings from what I've heard on, a platform I created to share stories of career pivots and retirement journeys. My research explores financial preparation, finding purpose (as simple as “give and grow”), and the importance of staying healthy, continuous learning, and time management—although the latter is a challenge I’m still navigating!

While my days are filled with exercise, travel, art, volunteer work, gardening, and more, I remain committed to this work to understand how to effectively redirect. Upcoming research will dive into the value of networks and relationships and more on the foundational role of health in career transitions. I also plan to synthesize insights from 40+ stories to highlight common themes I've seen across gender, age cohorts, and retirement journeys. I’ve also been blessed to have people want to contribute their stories – so more stories to come.

I hope inspires others to embrace their own career and life pivots with purpose, courage, and joy.

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